2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  On the afternoon of May 10, the Group company held a regular meeting of the second quarter party building work, and the party branch secretaries, organization members and party building commissioners attended the meeting。The meeting was presided over by the person in charge of the Party and Mass Department, and Fang Jinsong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Group company, attended the meeting to guide and speak。

  The meeting conveyed and studied the Notice issued by the Organization Department of the Tongling Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on focusing on the analysis and judgment of the construction of grass-roots Party branches in the city in 2023, the Notice on organizing the special inspection of the Party fee work in the city, the Key points of the Party Building work in 2024 in Municipal Enterprises issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Communist Party of Tongling, and the Strengthening of the overall leadership of the Party in Municipal enterprisesImprove the Guidance Opinions on Corporate Governance (Trial) and other four systems for soliciting opinions of the notice spirit;The Party building commissioner briefed on the inspection of the working accounts of the party branches from January to April this year;therewith,Each party branch secretary briefly summarized the work of the branch in the first quarter,Reported the work plan for the second quarter;The person in charge of the Party and mass Department comprehensively summarized the party building work of the company in the first quarter,And deployed the key work of party building in the second quarter。

  In his concluding speech, Fang Jinsong pointed out that it is necessary to combine the learning and education of the Party discipline that is being carried out, continue to promote the learning and education to go deep and go real, and focus on doing a series of work such as "learning regulations, listening to guidance, seeing lessons, speaking party lessons, saying experience, and promoting good"。It is necessary to further innovate the form of activities, constantly enrich the content of branch activities, and effectively improve the quality of branch work。It is necessary to strictly implement the basic system of party building, solidly do the basic work of party building, and help promote the party building work of the group company to a new level。