2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Party and mass work >  Building of party style

  4月22日,The four party groups of the party branch of the group's organs held meetings respectively,组织传达学习习近平总书记在中共中央政治局会议上重要讲话精神、全国扫黑除恶“六清”行动的会议精神、欧洲杯官方买球网址党工委关于党建及纪检工作会议精神及观看警示教育片。The team members of the Party Working committee of the Group company all participate in the study activities of the party group as ordinary party members。

  会议指出,要深入学习领会习近平总书记在中共中央政治局会议上的重要讲话精神,紧密联系公司实际,一手抓疫情防控;一手抓经济发展,确保欧洲杯官方买球网址年度目标任务如期完成。It is necessary to increase the propaganda of the eradication of evil, strictly implement the spirit of the superior series of instructions on the eradication of evil, and ensure the comprehensive safety and stability of the group company。It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of the work, focus on the party building and discipline inspection work of the group company, further innovate the thinking, highlight the characteristic brand, and actively build the party building and discipline inspection brand with the characteristics of Tongling trading。It is necessary to focus on the construction of major projects, accelerate the preparatory work of the early stage of the project, ensure that the project is started as soon as possible, and contribute to the construction of a modern, happy and beautiful new Tongling。