2024欧洲杯下注平台 > Corporate culture

The first Party branch of the Group company went to Tongguanshan 1978 Cultural and creative Park to carry out immersive "red script kill" party history learning and education

Source: Party and Mass Work Department Release Time: 2021-10-21 Visits:

  为深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于党史学习教育的重要论述,为党史学习注入“年轻态”,让主题党日“鲜活”起来,激励党员干部进一步铭记光荣党史、坚定政治信仰,体会革命先驱们的精神所在。On October 15, the first Party branch of the Group company went to the "Tongguanshan 1978" cultural and creative Park to carry out an immersive "red script kill" Party history learning education。Different from the passive acceptance of red cultural content in the past, the theme of this "Party Day" activity is more to let party members themselves act as story characters, experience a deep immersion patriotism thought baptism through interpretation, and ultimately achieve the purpose of real and sympathetic red culture。

  The activity was divided into two groups, and each group jointly interpreted the red script of "The war is under the city"。Under the guidance of the host,Participating party members through script reading, plot interpretation, scene reproduction and other ways,Relive the glory days,Inherit the red gene,A complete experience of the history of Shanxi Shuo County anti-Japanese period,While arousing the patriotism and mission of Party members and cadres in the new era,Let the party history study and education continue to heat up in the bosom of close experience of national conditions。

  After the event, everyone said that they had gained a lot, awakened the "red gene" and lit the "red engine" in following the footsteps of their heroic predecessors.。Through this new mode of scene interpretation of red script, we can more deeply understand the red culture contained in the story。At the same time, the party members said that they will devote themselves to the work with more enthusiasm, act as a position, tackle difficulties, make good achievements, and promote the high-quality development of the comprehensive work of the Group company with more firm faith and selfless dedication。